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London Edinburgh London 2025: Route revealed!

A new episode of the London Edinburgh London podcast just landed!

Writtle: Your accommodation options explained

How to enter London Edinburgh London on 3 January
We open for entries on 3 January 2025. Here is a quick guide to entering.
 - Mark Kowalski.688x410_crop_FFFFFF_0autoautoauto.jpg)
London Edinburgh London 2025 route preview
LEL Route Director Andy Berne shares his overview of the 2025 route.

We need to talk about Hawick
Our new control point is in a spectacular town hall in the centre of Hawick. It is also one of our smallest venues with limited sleeping. We explain how we're making this town and surrounding route one of the highlights of the event.

London Edinburgh London 2025: day one tactics
The first day of riding LEL can fly by in a blur. You've prepared, planned and trained – and now you're out on the road! But if you take time to evaluate your tactics, it can pay huge dividends. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of your energy and resources.

WATCH! Our video of the LEL route through the Scottish Borders
We are producing three short videos to showcase the best of our new London Edinburgh London route. Our first one features the spectacular Scottish Lowlands. Look out for the sheep!

A guide to controls, pop-up cafés and other facilities
For 2025, we have increased the number of facilities available along the route. We now have a range of controls, cafés and pop-up dormitories, all open 24/7 while the event takes place. Here's a quick guide to what you can expect at the different facilities.

London Edinburgh London 2025: eight route highlights
We're really proud of our route for 2025. We've included nearly 600 kilometres of new roads in Essex, Yorkshire and Scotland, along with old favourites from previous events. Here are eight highlights to look out for in 2025.

What's new for 2025?
We are really excited about our plans for the next edition of London Edinburgh London. We've worked hard to bring you glorious new roads, new controls and some extra support along the way that we think you will love. So, what's new for 2025?

Choosing your start time
If you're unsure about your start times, this short article may help

The challenge for Indian riders
Here are some top tips to make sure we get you all back to you London in time.

LEL tips: Preparing for British weather
British weather can be unpredictable. We tell you how to make the best of it.

What's it like being a volunteer?
Our incredible team of volunteers makes London Edinburgh London what it is. Here, Colin Chadfield writes about his unforgettable experiences as a mechanic at Thirsk in 2013 and 2017.

London Edinburgh London: what exactly is it?
London Edinburgh London isn’t a race. Nor is it a tour. But it is more than an event. In fact, it’s quite hard to explain what sort of a ride it is! We do our best in this short guide.

How do bag drops work?
We provide you with two drop bags to help you get up to Edinburgh and then back to Writtle. This short guide tells you everything you'll need to know about how our drop bag system works to bring you spare clothes and other essentials along the route.